What is Maestro Magazine?

Maestro Magazine is a financial analysis and social commentary publication in the United States. Topics as varied as history, economics, media, education, and financial independence populate the pages.

Why Subscribe?

If you’ve ever felt frustrated with the lack of honesty and integrity in media, or been disappointed in the dismal state of journalism in the 21st century, a subscription to Maestro Magazine, is perfect for you! Our goal is to provide a different perspective on how the world works than what you’re told by the mainstream media. There are many important subjects that are never taught in school, much has been hidden this way from the general population. We at Maestro Magazine believe that everyone should have equal access to information, and level the playing-field.

You may wholeheartedly agree with many things written here. You may fervently disagree with what is written, and that’s okay, because you’re entitled to think whatever you’d like. The goal is to present the information in a way that makes you think about the topics discussed.

Not everything involving money is rocket science - in fact, it isn’t science at all. The point of Maestro Magazine is to make things easier to understand, cutting through all the technical jargon that typically populates much of the financial services industry’s research.

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Become a part of a Community only interested in the truth. Substack has provided a place where we are free to speak and connect with other people who have similar interests and views. You are not alone in the ocean known as the Internet, there are many of us, and it’s important that we build bridges instead of burn them.

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Subscribe to Mercado Maestro

Publication from Flynn Jameson, discussing newsworthy events in the traditional finance and blockchain-based cryptocurrency arenas as well as examining data privacy, education, and anonymity online


Writer // Historian // Financial Market Analyst https://mercadomaestro.com